Saturday, June 26, 2010

i have it too..

Malaysia Muscle

Body Builder is a sport / lifestyle through a combination of muscle building training routine weight lifting, increase calorie intake, and rest. In the bodybuilding sport, participants will display their physique to the judges who will evaluate and give points based on certain characteristics.
In the first game pioneered by men only, but in the 1980s, women began to engage interested in body building. Now, sports are the same body-building between the two sexes.
Asia looks sugul sports bodybuilding. This may be due to body building requires a high financial resources as well as traditional Eastern politeness does not encourage openness in the West. However, this final end, bodybuilding gained places in Asia that resulted in the gym health centers sprout like mushrooms.
Sports bodybuilding can not be misleading as the Olympic sports weight lifting, Powerlifting or Strongman competition. Third priority to three types of sport bodybuilding strong individuals but more care and attention to shape an aesthetic value. In body building, shape and size is more important than the weight can be lifted.

Name:Faizal during Mr Malaysia photoshoot
Date:12.08.2009 23:48:25
Rating:4,36 (11 Votes)
Filesize:66,11 KB (268 x 400 px)

more info here!!

1 comment:

Mahamahu said...

when i can be like this.... arhhhhh